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Viewing 1-3 of 3 total results
 3D Reconstruction and Face Recognition Using Kernel-Based ...
Keywords: Independent component analysis, 3D human face reconstruction, 3D human face recognition, back-propagation algorithm, neural networks. 1. Introduction When we use a camera to capture 3D objects, we lose the depth information of the 3D objects and only obtain the 2D image information. However, the depth information of the 3D objects ......
 Subspace Based Object Recognition Using Support Vector ...
analysis of independent component analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) is also given for each experiment. 1-INTRODUCTION Object recognition, which is an easy task for a human observer, has long been the focus of much research in Computer Vision, forming an essential component of many machine-based object recognition systems. A large ......
Learning Robust and Discriminative Manifold ...
for face and object recognition task. The second contribution of this thesis is a biologically motivated manifold learn-ing framework for image set classification by independent component analysis (ICA) for Grassmann manifolds. It has been discovered that the simple cells in the visual cortex learn spatially localized image representations....