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Semantic content-based image retrieval: A comprehensive ...
An automatic annotation by machines could speed up the process, but it still depends on the accuracy of detecting image’s edges, colors, object’s state, and spatial relations between objects. Though valuable achievements of prolonged research efforts in this context, the reliance on text-based image retrieval does not satisfy user needs....
 Performance and Analysis of the Automated Semantic Object ...
some false objects spatial relationships extraction concept (Example in Figure 1, the objects A and B are supposed to have Front/Back spatial relationship but it is extracted as Left/right relation concept [32, 7] and it is extracted it as above-right relation [5]. Figure 1: False objects spatial relationships semantic extraction...
 Fuzzy Ontology and Rule based Model for Automatic Semantic ...
For each representative frame, objects and spatial relations between objects are extracted. Then, objects extracted from consecutive representative frames are processed to extract temporal relations, which is an important step in the semantic content extraction process. In these steps, spatial and temporal relations among objects and events are...
Automatic Semantic Content Extraction from Videos using ...
components are spatial relation instances among object instances. Then, the temporal associations are extracted by with changes in spatial relations. Lastly, actions and concepts are extracted by resources of the spatial and temporal relations. 3.4 Object Extraction Object extraction techniques use instruction data to study...
 Representation and Retrieval of Images by Means of Spatial ...
that, in order to reduce the semantic gap, it is important to represent the spatial relations among objects, since these re-lations suffer less from viewpoint changes than the object recognition itself (Bloch, Hudelot, and Atif 2007). Some work has investigated the inclusion of high-level knowledge focused on spatial relations in image analysis....