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Viewing 41-50 of 50 total results
A provably secure identity-based strong designated ...
ID-based directed proxy signature scheme from bilinear pairings. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography. v13 i5. 487-500. Google Scholar; Saeednia et al, 2004. An efficient strong designated verifier signature scheme. In: LNCS, vol. 2971. Springer-Verlag. pp. 40-54. Google Scholar; Shamir, 1984....
CiteSeerX — Citation Query Proxy multi-signature scheme: A ...
The proxy signature scheme that achieves such purpose is called the multi-proxy signature scheme and the signature generated by the specified proxy group is called multiproxy signature for the original signer. Recently such scheme has been discussed by Lin et al. Lin's scheme is based on partial delegation by Mambo et al....
A Pairing-based Blind Signature Scheme with
utilizing bilinear pairings. This paper proposes an id-based blind signature scheme with message recovery. The proposed scheme is motivated by the work of [3], [27]. From the perspective of both blind signatures and id-based cryptosystems from the Gap-Diffie-Hellman groups, the new scheme is comparable with [4]....
US20050005125A1 - Apparatus and method for generating and ...
Several ID-based signature schemes based on the bilinear pairings have been developed recently. An ID-based blind signature is attractive since one's public key is simply one's identity. For example, if a bank issues electronic cash with an ID-based blind signature, users and shops need not fetch the bank's public key from a database....
IET Digital Library: Directed proxy signature with fast ...
As a kind of special proxy signature, directed proxy signature can be used to sign messages, such that only the designated verifier can easily verify the validity of the signature while others cannot. At the same time, if necessary, the proxy signer or designated verifier can prove the validity of the signature to any third party. However, the revocation of delegated rights has never been ......
Rajeev Anand Sahu - Publications - Google Sites
Efficient ID- Based Multi-proxy Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairing based on k-plus Problem, With S. Mishra, S. Padhye and R.S. Yadav, INTECH-2011, Sao Carlos Brazil, CCIS 165, 2011, Springer-Verlag, pp. 113-122,. ID-Based Multi-proxy Multi-Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairing, With S. Padhye, 5th WSEAS International Conference of Computer ......
A practical proxy signature scheme. - Free Online Library
[23.] B. Umaprasada Rao and P. Vasudeva Reddy: ID-Based Directed Multi-Proxy Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairings, International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 107-117 (2011. Sattar J Aboud and Sufian Yousef Telecommunications Engineering Research Group Anglia Ruskin University, UK
International Journal of Computer Science and Security ...
ID-Based Directed Multi-Proxy Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairings White Papers · Apr 2011 · Provided By International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS)
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"ID-based Directed Multi-Proxy Signature scheme from bilinear pairings" in International Journal of Computer Science and Security Co-authored byB.Umaprasada Rao "An RSA-Type PKC based on cubic curve Cn(0, b): y2=x3+bx2 (mod n)" in International Journal of Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Applications Co-authored byN. B. Gayathri ,K ...
Analysis on the generalization of proxy signature
In this article, we cover the research progress made on proxy signature and investigate its relationships with other existing signature schemes having continuous progress until now. We also provide r...
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