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Viewing 1-3 of 3 total results
 ID-Based Multi-Proxy Signature and Blind Multisignature ...
proxy signature from bilinear pairings [19]. In this paper, we propose an ID-based multi-proxy signature scheme (IDMPS) and an ID-based blind multisignature scheme (IDBMS) from bilinear pairings. Both the schemes can be regarded as a special case of corresponding variants of ID-based threshold signature scheme....
A Pairing-based Blind Signature Scheme with
utilizing bilinear pairings. This paper proposes an id-based blind signature scheme with message recovery. The proposed scheme is motivated by the work of [3], [27]. From the perspective of both blind signatures and id-based cryptosystems from the Gap-Diffie-Hellman groups, the new scheme is comparable with [4]....
US20050005125A1 - Apparatus and method for generating and ...
Several ID-based signature schemes based on the bilinear pairings have been developed recently. An ID-based blind signature is attractive since one's public key is simply one's identity. For example, if a bank issues electronic cash with an ID-based blind signature, users and shops need not fetch the bank's public key from a database....