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Steepest descent algorithm for Block Wavelet Transform ...
Itpsilas known that the transform matrix generated by block wavelet transform (BWT) is orthogonal. Eigenvector matrix of the autocorrelation matrix obtained in Karhunen-Loeve transform is also orthogonal. This matrix is used for computing the features of signals. Itpsilas thought that BWT can be used in the same manner. A BWT obtained by finite number of filter coefficients will be advantegous....
 Wavelet Transforms in Time Series Analysis
Wavelet Transform Time −> Frequency −> • The wavelet transform contains information on both the time location and fre-quency of a signal. Some typical (but not required) properties of wavelets • Orthogonality - Both wavelet transform matrix and wavelet functions can be orthogonal. Useful for creating basis functions for computation....
Performance Analysis of Watermarking using Kronecker ...
These wavelet transform matrices were generated using same existing orthogonal transform matrices explored here. Kekre’s wavelet transform generation algorithm was used to generate these wavelet transform matrices. For e.g. DCT wavelet matrix of size 256x256 was generated using two DCT matrices of 16x16 sizes each....
 Copy -Move Forgery Detection using Orthogonal Wavelet ...
Figure 3: Q x Q Wavelet transform generated from P x P orthogonal transform (Q=P2) Figure 3 shows Q x Q wavelet transform matrix generated from P x P orthogonal transform matrix (refer Figure 2) such that Q = P2. To generate the wavelet matrix, every column of the orthogonal transform matrix is repeated P times. Then the...
Obtaining normalized matrix for the Haar Wavelet Transform
$\begingroup$ so the point is that you want to normalize the orthogonal matrix. Gram-Schmidt is the standard method that is taught for orthonormalizing matrices (see your favourite undergrad math textbook or wikipedia); your matrix is already orthogonal, so my question is: Why does the used algorithm matter to you? If you only change the scaling of let's say each column vector, all algorithms ......