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 I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Computing Contours on a Terrain
called contour tree [9] encodes a \seed" for each contour of K. Many e cient internal-memory algorithms are known for computing a contour tree; see e.g. [9]. Hence, one can e ciently construct a contour map of K. This approach of tracing a contour has been extended to higher dimensions as well, e.g., the well-known marching-cube algorithm for...
 Lab 9: Topographic Maps 151
Lab 9: Topographic Maps 154 and can be used, with appropriate software, to construct custom contour maps and 3-D renderings of topography. Finally, roads, streams, political boundaries and other linear features found on standard topographic maps are also available in digital version as Digital Line Graphs (DLGs)....
 Lab 1: An Introduction to Topographic Maps
Contour lines are vertically spaced using contour intervals. For instance, USGS topographic maps commonly space contour lines 5, 10, 20, 40, or 80 feet apart. Hence, using a 20 foot contour interval each contour line is represents a change in elevation of 20 feet relative to adjacent contour lines. Only one contour interval is used per map. The ......