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Quotient Based Multiresolution Image Fusion of Thermal and ...
In this paper we present a novel method of face identification using different levels of pixel fusion (e.g. ratios for pixel information taken from the visual and thermal images are, 2:3, 1:1, 3:2 ...
A Comparative Study of Human Thermal Face Recognition ...
Thermal infrared (IR) images focus on changes of temperature distribution on facial muscles and blood vessels. These temperature changes can be regarded as texture features of images. A comparative study of face two recognition methods working in thermal spectrum is carried out in this paper. In the first approach, the training images and the test images are processed with Haar wavelet ......
 Face Recognition using Extended Kalman Filter based ...
Mrinal Kanti Bhowmik et. al. [16] performed a comparative study on fusion of visual and thermal images using different wavelet transformations like Haar and Daubechies (db2). They found wavelet a useful transformation for face recognition. Boqing Gong et. al. [17] proposed a method based on extracting...
An enhanced thermal face recognition method based on ...
In this paper, an enhanced thermal face recognition approach based on Multiscale Complex Fusion for Gabor coefficients (MCFG) is proposed. Initially, the Complex Gabor Jet Descriptor (CGJD) is acquired based on the block mean and standard deviation generated from the magnitude, phase, real and imaginary parts of Gabor coefficients....
A Comparative Study of Human Thermal Face Recognition ...
In this paper, a comparative study of thermal face recognition methods is discussed and implemented. In this study two local-matching techniques, one based on Haar wavelet and the other based on Local Binary Pattern, are analyzed. Firstly, human thermal face images are preprocessed and cropped the face region only, from the entire face images....
 Wavelet-based multispectral face recognition
nation power of face images. Fig.4 shows the comparative face recognition perfor-mance of the original visible images, image fusion in the wavelet domain[3] and the proposed wavelet-based fusion method. The proposed method performs better than the other two methods. In particular, when a fixed false match rate...