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Ensemble Classification Based on ICA for Face Recognition ...
In this paper we address the problem of face recognition using edge informationas independent components. The edge information is obtained by usingLaplacian of Gaussian (LoG) and Canny edge ...
ICA Face Recognition Matlab code - YouTube
A number of face recognition algorithms employ principal component analysis (PCA), which is based on the second-order statistics of the image set, and does not address high-order statistical ...
 Independent Component Analysis
10.2 Mutual information and nongaussianity 223 10.3 Mutual information and likelihood 224 10.4 Algorithms for minimization of mutual information 224 10.5 Examples 225 10.6 Concluding remarks and references 225 Problems 227 11 ICA by Tensorial Methods 229 11.1 Definition of cumulant tensor 229 11.2 Tensor eigenvalues give independent components 230...
Financial time series forecasting using independent ...
An example is used for illustrating the concept of the TnA method.Fig. 2 shows four financial time series data, each of size 1 × 794, which can be combined as a mixture matrix X of size 4 × 794. After using ICA method to the matrix X, a de-mixing matrix W of size 4 × 4 and four ICs, each of size 1 × 794, can be estimated. The profiles of those four ICs are shown in Fig. 3.