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e‐ISSN 2350‐0204 30/09/2019 7. Dr.Vidyanand Mohan (Co- Author) Kalyanaka Ghrita –An effective remedy for Brain Ageing. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences(Vol 8,Issue 9) ISSN 2278 – 4357 27/08/2019 8. Dr.Vidyanand Mohan (Co- Author) A critical review on the logical aspects related to Dravya Sangrahana w.s.r
4(3):296-301.e-ISSN 2350-0204. [May 2016] Avinash T. Gatade, Azmina A.K. Masurkar, Rupali A. Gatade and Dhara J. Gandhi. 2016. Pharmacognostical Investigation of ErythrinavariegataLinn (Fabaceae). International Journal of Ayurveda Pharmaceutical Chemistry; 4(2):27-37.e-ISSN 2350-0204. [March 2016]
‪Vd. Vinayak Joshi‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬
‪professor & h.o.d.rognidan evum vikruti vidnyan dr.d.y.patil college of ayurved & r.c. pimpri,pune.‬ - ‪ayurved‬ - ‪sports‬
A review on classical Vajikarana formulations of Shweta ...
Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016;5 [E ISSN 2350-0204]. 30. Kenjale RD, Shah RK, Sathaye SS. Anti-stress and anti-oxidant effects of roots of chlorophytum borivilianum (Santa Pau & Fernandes). Indian J Exp Biol 2007;45:974-9. 31. Kenjale R, Shah R, Sathaye S. Effects of chlorophytum borivilianum on sexual behaviour and sperm count in male rats. ...
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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016;5 [E ISSN 2350-0204]. 30. Kenjale RD, Shah RK, Sathaye SS. Anti-stress and anti-oxidant effects of roots of chlorophytum borivilianum (Santa Pau & Fernandes). Indian J Exp Biol 2007;45:974-9. 31. Kenjale R, Shah R, Sathaye S. Effects of chlorophytum borivilianum on sexual behaviour and sperm count in male rats. ...
1 0;year=2019;volume=7;issue=4;spage=205;epage=211;aulast=Khan;year=2019;volume=7;issue=4...
Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016;5 [E ISSN <span class="highlight">2350-0204</span>]. 30. Kenjale RD, Shah RK, Sathaye SS. Anti-stress and anti-oxidant effects of roots of chlorophytum borivilianum (Santa Pau &amp;amp; Fernandes). Indian J Exp Biol 2007;45:974-9. 31. Kenjale R, Shah R, Sathaye S. Effects of chlorophytum borivilianum on sexual behaviour and sperm count in male rats. ...
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Index Journals for the Year 2017-IP Indexing is an indexing portal for citation of database covering scientific and scholarly Journals from all over the world. Our aim and objective to enhance visibility of your reputed articles and journals for use of researchers and provide platform for indexing the journals.-IP Inde
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激安ブランド パフォーマ&...
激安ブランド パフォーマンスマシン ウインドシールド トリム 96年-13年 Holeshot クローム 2350-0204 WO店 最高の; バイク PROTOAFAM プロト&アファム ドライブキット 530-1...
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