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Viewing 11-20 of 49 total results
Voice Activity Detection in Noisy Environments Based on ...
A new voice activity detector for noisy environments is proposed. In conventional algorithms, the endpoint of speech is found by applying an edge detection filter that finds the abrupt changing point in a feature domain. However, since the frame energy ...
Enhanced voice activity detection in kernel subspace domain
This paper proposes a voice activity detection (VAD) method in a kernel subspace domain to improve the performance of the kernel-based VAD. A linear transform matrix that can simultaneously diagonalize the two covariance matrices using kernel principal component analysis is presented to generate the kernel subspace. The likelihood ratio test based on Gaussian distributions is applied for the ......
 Noise Cancellation in Presence of Transient Noise using ...
Keywords: Gaussian mixture model, spectral clustering, transient noise, log like hood algorithm, voice activity detection 1. Introduction 1Voice and unvoice classification in an unsolved problem in speech processing and affects divers applications including robust speech recognition discontinuous transmission, Real -Time speech communication on ......
An improved noise-robust voice activity detector based on ...
In this paper, HSMM is introduced to explicitly model the duration distribution. Signals composed of speech and noise are regarded as a time duration hidden Markov chain with two states (speech and non-speech), and are modeled by the HSMM λ = (A, B, τ, π) shown in Fig. 1.Similar to conventional HMM-based VADs, three critical aspects including speech features, feature distributions and ...
A Robust Voice Activity Detection Based on Noise ...
A robust voice activity detector (VAD) is expected to increase the accuracy of ASR in noisy environments. This study focuses on how to extract robust information for designing a robust VAD. To do so, we construct a noise eigenspace by the principal component analysis of the noise covariance matrix....
On-line Gaussian mixture modeling in the log-power domain ...
1. Introduction. The Gaussian mixture model (GMM) has been widely used in many applications of speech processing, including speech recognition, speaker verification and noise adaptation (The HTK Book, 1995, Reynolds and Rose, 1995, Acero, 1993, Burshtein and Gannot, 2002).In most applications, the GMM model is used to train the acoustical model or the speaker model or for noise compensation ...
Frame-wise model re-estimation method based on Gaussian ...
This paper proposes a robust voice activity detection (VAD) method that operates in the presence of noise. For noise robust VAD, we have already proposed statistical models and a switching Kalman filter (SKF)-based technique. In this paper, we focus on a model re-estimation method using Gaussian pruning with weight normalization....
A novel fast nonstationary noise tracking approach based ...
However, accurate and fast noise tracking is a particularly challenging task, particularly when noise environments are highly nonstationary. The typical noise PSD estimation approach is based on a voice activity detector (VAD), in which the noise PSD estimate is updated only in the absence of speech , , , . For stationary noise sources, such an ......
Robust voice activity detection based on noise eigenspace
Robust voice activity detection based on noise eigenspace Dongwen Ying 1; 2, Yu Shi , Xugang Lu , Jianwu Dang and Frank Soong2 1School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 2Microsoft Research Asia (Received 5 March 2007, Accepted for publication 1 June 2007) Abstract: In this study, we propose a voice activity detector (VAD) based on a noise eigenspace,...
Spectro-temporal modulation energy based mask for robust ...
Spectro-temporal modulations of speech encode speech structures and speaker characteristics. An algorithm which distinguishes speech from non-speech based on spectro-temporal modulation energies is proposed and evaluated in robust text-independent closed-set speaker identification simulations using the TIMIT and GRID corpora. Simulation results show the proposed method produces much higher ......
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