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Satellite Maps, Satellite Imagery, GIS Data | Satellite ...
Geographic Information Systems. Satellite Imaging Corporation (SIC) has developed comprehensive policy and procedures to include QA and QC in the planning stage of every project involving the use of satellite, aerial and UAV remote sensing data for GIS mapping.Using our extensive array of advanced satellite sensors to acquire new imagery, or use customer provided UAV imagery, we can provide ......
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Publications | Dr. Hongxing Liu’s GIS and Remote Sensing ...
Referred Journal Papers: Yu B., Liu H., Wu J., “A Method for Urban Vegetation Classification Using Airborne LiDAR Data and High Resolution Remote Sensing Images.” Journal of Image and Graphics (in press) Liu, H., Y. Gao*, D. Sherman, and L. Wang* “Conceptual framework and numerical algorithms for object-oriented analysis of coastal morphological changes with airborne…...
Remote Sensing and GIS in Simulation and Prediction ...
Remote Sensing Introduction The term "remote sensing," first used in the United States in the 1950s by Ms. Evelyn Pruitt of the U.S. Office of Naval Research.‘Remote’ means far away and ‘sensing’ means observing or acquiring some information. Therefore, remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object.