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CiteSeerX — Integration of Least Recently Used Algorithm ...
In terms of byte hit ratio (BHR), the performance is improved up to 2.57 % and 26.25%, and for latency saving ratio (LSR), the performance is improved up to 8.3 % and 18.9%, compared to LRU and LFU. Keywords: Client-side web caching, Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, Least Recently Used algorithm....
Proposed ALFUR using intelegent agent comparing with LFU ...
Web cache replacement plays important role in increasing the performance and speed of browsing web sites using internet. This paper highlights a new proposed Average Least Frequency Used Removal (ALFUR) and compares it with web cache replacement techniques like (LFU, LRU, SIZE, and PCCIA). Hit Ratio (HR) and Byte Hit Ratio (BHR) were used to measure the performance of these algorithms, and it ......
 Integration of Caching and Prefetching in Proxy Server
Least Recently Used (LRU), Least Frequently Used (LFU) ... The Neuro fuzzy System in Client side caching is discussed [11]. II. WEB CACHING Web caching is the technique in which to keep the clients used web objects into the cache memory of proxy server. By placing the web objects into proxy server, it is reduces ......
However, Least-Recently-Used (LRU) algorithm does not consider the size of an object and the download latency of objects, so it is not suitable to use these techniques directly for web caching (Koskela et al 2003). B. Least-Frequently-Used (LFU) In the case of Least-Frequently-Used (LFU) algorithm, the objects with the least number of accesses ......
Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System as Cache Memory ...
No cache memory replacement policy that can provide the lowest miss ratio for all types of workloads is yet available. The most commonly used cache memory replacement policy is least recently used (LRU) because it can offer the lowest miss ratio performance among other replacement policies such as first in first out (FIFO) and least frequently used (LFU) [19]....
Intelligent Dynamic Aging Approaches in Web Proxy Cache ...
One of commonly used approach to enhance the Web performance is Web proxy caching technique. In Web proxy caching, Least-Frequently-Used-Dynamic-Aging (LFU-DA) is one of the common proxy cache replacement methods, which is widely used in Web proxy cache management. LFU-DA accomplishes a superior byte hit ratio compared to other Web proxy cache replacement algorithms....
Varnish Now Offers Cache Persistence for Large Datasets ...
Traditional memory caching uses LRU over LFU. Equipped with ‘least frequently used/least recently used hybrid’ cache eviction algorithm, providing smarter selection criteria within the cache to automatically evict the least-accessed objects when space is needed. Persistence. New with MSE 2.0 is the option to use persistence. It adds little ......