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Viewing 41-48 of 48 total results
Rogue Management in an Unified Wireless Network - Cisco
Consequently, rogue and attack detection times are longer (3 to 60 minutes) and a smaller range of over-the-air attacks can be detected than with a monitor mode AP. Furthermore, detection for bursty traffic, such as rogue clients, is much less deterministic because the AP has to be on the channel of the traffic at the same time the traffic is ...
Wireless Sensor Network Security: Approaches to Detecting ...
An effective approach for providing anonymity in wireless sensor network: Detecting attacks and security measures. International Journal on Computer Science & Engineering, 1(5), 1830-1835. Tun, Z., & Maw, A. H. (2008). Wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks. Proceedings of World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology, 46 ......
Comparing the top wireless intrusion prevention systems
Enterprise wireless intrusion prevention systems have been helping organizations detect and block wireless local area network (LAN) attacks for quite some time. In the early days, wireless ...
 Optimization of an Error Minimizing or Localizing Jammers ...
coexisting a wireless network . Figure 1: Distance-based (range-based) localization (a) Trilateration (b) Cheating Jammer anchors . Although anchor-based schemes are popular and generally perform well, a majority of these techniques operate under the assumption that anchor nodes behave honestly during the localization process.
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What is a Phishing Attack? - Palo Alto Networks
Phishing attacks have become one of the most prevalent methods of cybercrime because they are effective due to their ability to bypass detection methods and offer low risk as there is little chance of capture or retribution. Email is simple to deploy, making it easy to send large quantities of messages in a single attempt.
How to Detect and Analyze DDoS Attacks Using Log Analysis ...
DDoS attacks are much more effective than other attacks since they are coordinated attacks using thousands of machines. It’s not as difficult to penetrate resources using brute-force password attacks or SQL injection. The latter types of attacks can set off alerts, but a DDoS attack comes swiftly and without notice....
Detection and prevention mechanism for Blackhole attack in ...
Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are prone to various attacks in which Blackhole a kind of Denial of Service (DoS) attack is very difficult to detect and defend. In blackhole attack, an intruder captures and re-programs a set of nodes in the network to block the packets they receive instead of forwarding them towards the base station....
Hacking Techniques in Wireless Networks
In wireless networks, DoS attacks are difficult to prevent, difficult to stop an on-going attack and the victim and its clients may not even detect the attacks. The duration of such DoS may range from milliseconds to hours. A DoS attack against an individual station enables session hijacking. 7.1 Jamming the Air Waves...
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