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Detecting and Localizing Wireless Network Attacks Techniques
Detecting and Localizing Wireless Network Attacks Techniques. Iyad Aldasouqi, Walid Salameh. Pages ... localize and identify wireless network attacks, which present a unique set of challenges to IT and security professionals. ... and evaluation techniques in order to secure our network from attackers, where our choice will depend on a technical ......
Iyad Aldasouqi & Walid Salameh Detecting and Localizing ...
localizing wireless network attack technique iyad aldasouqi walid salameh detecting wireless network attack unique set unlicensed frequency spectrum large class high probability identity-based attack packet content compromise encryption access point new technology technical implementation security professional use attenuator malicious device us ......
Iyad Aldasouqi & Walid Salameh Detecting and ...
WLAN is vulnerable to malicious attacks due to their shared medium in unlicensed frequency spectrum, thus requiring security features for a variety of applications. This paper will discuss some techniques and approaches which can help to detect, localize and identify wireless network attacks, which present a unique set of challenges to IT and ......
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