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K-means clustering based image segmentation - MATLAB ...
The color channels do not provide enough distinct information about the dog and the background to make a clean segmentation. featureSet = cat(3,I,gabormag,X,Y); Segment the image into two regions using k-means clustering with the supplemented feature set.
Color Quantization in R | R-bloggers
For a given pixel in the image, each channel has an intensity value (e.g. an integer in the range from 0 to 255 for an 8-bit color representation or a floating point number in the range from 0 to 1). To render a pixel in a particular image, the intensity values of three RGB channels are combined to yield a specific color value....
Image segmentation via K-means clustering with OpenCV ...
The previous post discussed the use of K-means clustering and different color spaces to isolate the numbers in Ishihara color blindness tests:. In the figure above, the original image on the left was converted to the YCrCb color space, after which K-means clustering was applied to the Cr channel to group the pixels into two clusters....
Semantic Segmentation of Multispectral Images Using Deep ...
This example shows how to train a U-Net convolutional neural network to perform semantic segmentation of a multispectral image with seven channels: three color channels, three near-infrared channels, and a mask.