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Automated medical image segmentation techniques
One way to rectify these intensity inhomogeneity artifacts is by using image enhancement techniques.[66,67] Further, for this segmentation, techniques based on statistical methods[68,69] and fuzzy methods,[58,70–73] which gives soft segmentation results are particularly useful in overcoming the above mentioned limitation....
Color Quantization in R | R-bloggers
For a given pixel in the image, each channel has an intensity value (e.g. an integer in the range from 0 to 255 for an 8-bit color representation or a floating point number in the range from 0 to 1). To render a pixel in a particular image, the intensity values of three RGB channels are combined to yield a specific color value....
OpenCV: Segmentation using Thresholding - GeeksforGeeks
A very simple thresholding technique, wherein we set the pixel intensity to ‘0’, for all the pixels of the group having pixel intensity value, less than the threshold. If the pixel intensity value at (x, y) in source image, is greater than threshold, the value at (x, y) in the final image doesn’t change....