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Viewing 1-4 of 4 total results
 Content-Based 3D Mosaics for Dynamic Urban Scenes
2 set of the multi-view dynamic pushbroom mosaics, with a pair of stereo mosaics as the minimum sub-set, is a compact visual representation for a long video sequence of a 3D scene with independent moving targets. However, the 2D mosaic representation is still an image-based one without object content representation.
 3D Object Detection with Latent Support Surfaces
tonomous driving benchmark [12]. 3D detection systems model car shape and occlusion patterns [4,28,46] using lidar or stereo inputs, and may also incorporate additional bird’s eye view data [5]. However, methods for outdoor 3D detection are usually focused on the identification of vehi-cles and pedestrians in open scenes, and do not generalize...
 Piecewise Rigid Scene Flow -
Estimating dense 3D scene flow from stereo sequences remains a challenging task, despite much progress in both classical disparity and 2D optical flow estimation. To over-come the limitations of existing techniques, we introduce a novel model that represents the dynamic 3D scene by a collection of planar, rigidly moving, local segments. Scene...
 Consistent Stereo Image Editing - CityU CS
Stereo Images Editing, Depth Mapping, Multi-label Optimization 1. INTRODUCTION With the popularity of stereo (or 3D) videos, techniques for pro-ducing and editing of stereo media are attracting a lot of research attention in recent years. In general, a stereo image contains two regular 2D images, which are captured from the same scene at the...