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Viewing 31-40 of 49 total results
 A Meta-model Syntax for Structural Constraints in ODP ...
specification of ODP concepts. Elsewhere, up to now no formal method is likely to be suitable for specifying and verifying every aspect of an ODP system. The inherent characteristics of ODP systems imply the need to integrate different specification languages, and to handle non-behavioral properties of ODP systems....
Research - jalal.laassiri
In order to specify the executable behavior of a system and to make the processes of the Computational executable and controllable, the Reference Model for ODP RM-ODP can be used as a meta-model for behavioral specifications. In the Computational language, the behavior is a collection of actions with a set of constraints on when they may occur ......
ODAC: An Agent-Oriented Methodology Based on ODP ...
The behavioral specification is the output of the analysis, i.e., it corresponds to the specifications established in the Enterprise, Information and Computational viewpoints. It 210 GERVAIS describes the system according to its objective, its place in the company in which it is developed, information that it handles and the tasks that it ...
Architecting with RM-ODP (eBook, 2001) []
Motivation for RM-ODP. Benefits Achievable from Using RM-ODP. Where RM-ODP Fits in the Lifecycle. How RM-ODP Is Used. How RM-ODP Facilitates Business Specification. RM-ODP Elements for Use. Prerequisite Skill Base. Investment Needed. Summary.3. RM-ODP Architect's Primer. More About RM-ODP. RM-ODP Concepts and Techniques for Use. How RM-ODP Is ......
 Specifying the Computation Viewpoints for a Corporate ...
heterogeneous distributed-processing systems. In order to facilitate the specification, RM-ODP uses the concept of viewpoints. RM-ODP uses five viewpoints: Enterprise, Information, Computation, Engineering, and Technology. The use of viewpoints allows the system to be specified into smaller models, where each viewpoint answers
A Proof Based Approach for Modelling and VerifyingWeb ...
The Web services composition defines a process that involves various independent Web services to perform a complex function. This process is described with a standard language (BPEL) and executed by tools supporting this language. This kind of languages describes the behavior of different distributed services together, but it does not support the verification nor the validation of behavioral ...
View model - Wikipedia
A view model or viewpoints framework in systems engineering, software engineering, and enterprise engineering is a framework which defines a coherent set of views to be used in the construction of a system architecture, software architecture, or enterprise architecture.A view is a representation of a whole system from the perspective of a related set of concerns.
 Formal methods 3.1 INTRODUCTION: In computer science ...
Page 1 of 7 Formal methods 3.1 INTRODUCTION: In computer science, specifically software engineering and hardware engineering, formal methods are a particular kind of mathematically based techniques for the specification, development and verification of software
 Formalizing ODP enterprise specifications in Maude
specifications obtained following our approach, the use of Maude provides additional advantages. The fact that rewriting logic specifications are executable allows us to apply a flexible range of increasingly stronger formal analysis methods and tools, such as runtime verification [11], model checking [10],or theorem proving [7].
 A Formal Foundation of the RM-ODP Conceptual Framework
building complete and consistent system specifications, and allow for the formal verification of resulting models. The possibility of the verification would significantly facilitate localization of specification faults. We consider RM-ODP to be a standard, so we will not modify any of the ODP definitions in the process of their formalization....
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