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Papers from EPRINT 2010
Remote authentication is a method to authenticate remote users over insecure communication channel. Password-based authentication schemes have been widely deployed to verify the legitimacy of remote users. Very recently, Hwang et al. proposed a DoS-resistant ID-based password authentication scheme using smart cards.
BibTeX bibliography cryptography2010.bib
The watermarks are shown to be robust against attacks such as uniform affine transformations (scaling, rotation, and translation), cropping, reordering, and noise addition. ... group communication using identity-based signcryption", journal = j ... authentication scheme using smart cards", journal = j-J-SYST-SOFTW, volume = "83 ......
Handbook of Applied Cryptography | Guide books
Chang C, Cheng T and Hsueh W (2016) A robust and efficient dynamic identity-based multi-server authentication scheme using smart cards, International Journal of Communication Systems, 29:2, (290-306), Online publication date: 25-Jan-2016.
Applied Cryptography and Network Security -
authentication: password and smart card. To minimize the ping-pong effect, the session key is cached in the current network domain. Whenever the MC requests a handoff into a neighboring MR which has a valid shared session key with the MC, a user-authenticated key agreement protocol with secret key cryptography is performed. Thus an expensive full